Well, today started out a little later so we were able to sleep in a bit. Our taxi driver from yesterday, Luis, was our guide today for approx. 5 hours of sightseeing.
We started off heading out of own to Cuicocha Lake. This lake formed in the crater of a volcano that last erupted some 3000 yrs ago. Now you can hike around the top of the crated and observe some breathtaking views.
At it´s highest point, you are some 4000 meters above sea level. Michael and Luis hiked to the top, while I hiked to about 3500 m (not only do I need to continue paying for my gym membership, but I need to start using it!!!). Regardless of how high you hiked, the views were amazing. From there you could see 2 other Volcanoes (or the bases anyway due to cloud cover), and several towns in the distance. Much flora and fauna - however no animals as they reside on the far side. We did see however the Andean Condor soaring through the sky - how magnificant it was - and HUGE!
After about 3 hours, we headed back down and then went to Cotachachi - a local town known for it´s leather goods. As you strolled down the streets, all you could smell was leather - so we shopped. Michael bought a new wallet and belt and I bought a beautiful leather jacket (for $65).
After this, we headed to the Condor Park, a site where many birds of prey are on display in large outdoor cages. They were amazing, especially the Andean Condor - to see these birds up close was amazing. Their talens were huge - certainly not something I would want coming after me!!!
After 5 hours of hiking and sightseeing, it was time to return to our place for a siesta - well needed, let me tell you.
So, now here we are in an Internet cafe updating our blog, while 2 local children run around us laughing and chasing each other.
Tonight we may have dinner at Ali Shungu - a place we were looking at staying, but no decisions have been made.
Tomorrow is back to the bus terminal and a 2 hr ride back to Quito. We hope to have some time for sightseeing before meeting with our group and heading to the Galapagos on Tuesday morning.
We will try to make one more update tomorrow, but if not, we´ll update on 04FEB2009 after our return to the main land.
Adios for now
Galapagos Islands
16 years ago